Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 719
Mineral Industries
Identification of Flow Zones Inside and at the Base of a Uranium Mine Tailings Dam Using GeophysicsIdentificación Mediante Geofísica de Zonas de Flujo en el Interior y en el Basamento de una Presa de Colas de una Mina de Uranio
Potential problems related to a tailings dam’s stability are a matter of concern, especially where structural failure might endanger nearby communities and the environment. The Osamu Utsumi mine, located in the State of ...
Using the queuing theory in mine haulage. Case of Magistral mining operationAplicación del modelo de colas al acarreo minero. Caso Mina Magistral
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica, 2017)
Aircraft interior failure pattern recognition utilizing text mining and neural networks
(Springer, 2012-06-01)
Being more competitive is routine in the aeronautical sector. Airline competitiveness is affected by such factors as time, price, reliability, availability, safety, technology, quality, and information management. To remain ...
Aircraft interior failure pattern recognition utilizing text mining and neural networks
(Springer, 2012-06-01)
Being more competitive is routine in the aeronautical sector. Airline competitiveness is affected by such factors as time, price, reliability, availability, safety, technology, quality, and information management. To remain ...
Hydrogelogical characterization of a waste rock pile and bedrock affected by acid mine drainage from geophysical survey
(Springer, 2020-06-17)
Mining activities are known for the profound changes they cause in the environment, especially those related to environmental liabilities generated by these enterprises. One major concern of this sector relies on the acid ...
Campamentos mineros en el Perú: Análisis Bioclimático y recomendaciones de diseño para mejorar el confort interior
(Universidad de la CostaCO, 2020)
El presente estudio analiza el comportamiento de tres campamentos mineros peruanos en respuesta a variables climáticas y geográficas específicas con el objetivo de determinar pautas y criterios de diseño arquitectónico ...
Efficient implementation and benchmark of interior point methods for the polynomial L-1 fitting problem
(Elsevier Science BvAmsterdamHolanda, 2000)
Atores, recursos, contextos e políticas de apoio à economia mineral do Rio Grande do Norte: estudo de caso da ascensão e declínio da Mina Brejuí no município de Currais Novos
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNCiências EconômicasDepartamento de Economia, 2021-09-16)
This paper aims to present a brief summary of Scheelita mining in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte, with the object of study being the Brejuí mine located in Currais Novos, in the seridoense region of the state. In this ...