Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3290
Molienda de zanahoria: una estrategia para producir alimentos con valor agregado.
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2021-06-29)
Milling is a unit operation widely used in the food industry to turn grains, vegetables and meats into small-sized products. In this context. In this sense, a small-scale hammer mill was designed and built in order to ...
Effect of ball milling strategy (milling device for scaling-up) on the hydrolysis performance of Mg alloy waste
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-08)
Ball milling strategy is of prime importance on the hydrolysis performance of Mg alloy waste. The effect of milling device (e.g. Fritsch Pulverisette 6 (P6) and Australian Uni-Ball-II (UB)), milling atmosphere (H2 and Ar), ...
A compostagem como processo catalisador para a reutilização dos resídues de fábrica de celulose e papel
Recognizing the great potential of this residue to increase the eucalyptus forests produtivity - when used in its humidified form - the main objective of this project was to decompose the solid residues generated at Luiz ...
A compostagem como processo catalisador para a reutilização dos resídues de fábrica de celulose e papel
Recognizing the great potential of this residue to increase the eucalyptus forests produtivity - when used in its humidified form - the main objective of this project was to decompose the solid residues generated at Luiz ...
Fresado interior o alesado. Fresado de piezas en el cabezal divisor. Fresado de contornos
(Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA), 2014)
Low cost semi-industrial 3GDL CNC vertical milling center design with non-ferrous metal machining capability
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020-09-01)
This work proposes the design of a low cost semi-industrial three degree of freedom CNC vertical milling center (VMC) with non-ferrous metal machining capabilities. The design seeks to mitigate the difficulties that acquiring ...
Molinería de trigo
(Universidad de Lima, Facultad de Ingeniería IndustrialPE, 1992)
La molienda de granos para alimentación humana data de más de 8,000 años. En el transcurso de los siglos la molinería ha pasado de ser una actividad eminentemente casera y laboriosa a una actividad altamente tecnificada y ...