Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2888
Domestic military missions in Latin America: Civil-military relations and the perpetuation of democratic deficits
Latin American militaries are today in many regards inoperative and obsolete as an instrument of defence. Yet, they seek to maintain their organisational power and privileges. Governments, on the other hand, lack the ...
Bibliometric-historical analysis of the articles published in the Sport Sciences’ Chilean scientific journals during the military government (1973-1990) [Análisis histórico-bibliométrico de los artículos publicados en revistas científicas chilenas de Ciencias del Deporte durante el gobierno militar (1973-1990)]
(Colegio Brasileiro de Ciencias do Esporte, 2018)
Brazilian military policy during Dilma Rousseff's government: Discourse and practiceA política militar brasileira no governo Dilma Rousseff: O discurso e a ação
This paper aims to analyze the operationalization of the Brazilian Armed Forces toward accomplishing its constitutional missions during Dilma Rousseff's government. Our sources include government speeches during the ...
Between horror and mess: The oposition to military governments by the view of Carlinhos de Oliveira at the book Um novo animal na floresta (1968-1981)
(Univ Estadual Londrina, 2015-07-01)
This article mentions the book named Um novo animal na floresta novel whose author is the chronicle writer Jose Carlos de Oliveira. By means of Carlinho's adventures, the author, called by the same name, wonders about the ...
"The Peruvian Constitution and article 5 of the Military Government Statute of 1968""La Constitución del Perú y el art. 5 del Estatuto del Gobierno Militar de 1968"
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1978)
The Military Policy Of The Rousseff Government: Reflections On The Conduct Of The Armed Forces In The Upp And The Minustah
(Fac Latinoamericana Ciencias Sociales-FLACSO, EcuadorQuito, 2016)
La victoria israelí de 1967 y la teoría de la guerra
(Universidad de Belgrano. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales., 2010)
En este estudio analizaremos la victoria israelí de 1967 bajo la luz de la teoría que nos proporciona el reconocido estratega militar prusiano del siglo XIX, Karl Von Clausewitz, en su obra De la Guerra. Nuestros
The War that Didn't Break Out: Military Rule and Regional Tensions in the Andes in the 1970s
(Facultad de Derecho y Gobierno, 2020)
Throughout the 1970s, tensions among various South American countries, ruled for most of the decade by military governments, mounted, which led actors and observers in the region and elsewhere to believe that a war would ...
A política militar sob Geisel na cobertura do jornal Folha de S. Paulo, 1974-1979
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política - PPGPolCâmpus São Carlos, 2021-05-17)
This thesis deals with the peculiarities of the military way of doing politics, based on its own codes that take into account hierarchy, leadership relations, and loyalty to arms, through the analysis of the journalistic ...