Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8109
The Configuration of Circular Migration Policies in South America. Spain's Labour Agreements with Colombia and Ecuador
This work investigates how migratory processes and migrants have been conceived in the implementation of the Temporary and Circular Labour Migration (TCLM) model. Our focus is on Spain's Agreements with Colombia and Ecuador ...
Performing national identity through Peruvian food migration in Santiago de Chile
(Geographical Society of Finland, 2015)
The article explores the processes of re-production of national identity based on food-related practices and discourses of Peruvian migrants living in Santiago de Chile. The meeting point of these three fields – migration, ...
Intersectional stigma and the arc of intranational migration: experiences of transgender adolescents and women who migrate within Peru.
(Springer, 2023)
BACKGROUND: Migration is recognized as a key determinant of health. Yet, limited research addresses the arc of intranational migration and, even less, the experiences of transgender (trans) adolescents and women migrants ...
Signaling pathways involved in neuron-astrocyte adhesion and migration
Astrocytes in the normal brain possess a stellate shape reflecting their non-migratory properties. Alternatively, in neurodegenerative diseases or after injury, astrocytes become "reactive" in a process known as astrocytosis ...
Theoretical and Methodological Contributions of a Multi-Situated Approach and the Analysis of Migration Routes: The Example of Migration between Morocco and Canada
(El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, A.C., 2010)
Initial concentration profile influence on migration measurements from plastic packaging: A simulation study
Migration of components from plastic packaging into foodstuffs or into medicines is a very important issue, concerning public health. Using experimental techniques, like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, these essays ...
The migration theory’s process of formation and development in the globalizing world
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Measuring the Impact of the Approach to Migration in the Quality of Web Service Interfaces
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015-02)
There is a good consensus on the strategic value of service-oriented architecture (SOA) as a way of structuring systems, and a common trend is to migrate legacy applications that use outdated technologies and architectures ...