Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 135
A supramolecular look at microenvironmental regulation of limbal epithelial stem cells and the differentiation of their progeny
Various approaches have been taken to improve our knowledge of the microenvironmental regulation of limbal epithelial stem cells. Researchers have extensively investigated the roles of growth factors, survival factors, ...
Reproductive phenology of coastal plain Atlantic forest vegetation: comparisons from seashore to foothills
(Springer, 2011-11-01)
The diversity of tropical forest plant phenology has called the attention of researchers for a long time. We continue investigating the factors that drive phenological diversity on a wide scale, but we are unaware of the ...
Reproductive phenology of coastal plain Atlantic forest vegetation: comparisons from seashore to foothills
(Springer, 2011-11-01)
The diversity of tropical forest plant phenology has called the attention of researchers for a long time. We continue investigating the factors that drive phenological diversity on a wide scale, but we are unaware of the ...
Macro- and microenvironmental factors affecting tyre-breeding flies (Insecta: Diptera) in urbanised areas
(Wiley, 2013-06)
1. Urbanisation is often considered a main driver of changes in the structure of insect communities. To assess macro- and microenvironmental factors determining the occurrence and community structure of fly larvae in ...
Los efectos de borde sobre la fenología de la guamirim, Myrcia guianensis (Myrtaceae), un árbol cerradoLes effets de bord sur la phénologie de la guamirim, (Myrtaceae) guianensis Myrcia, un arbre de cerradoEfeitos de borda sobre a fenologia da Guamirim, Myrcia guianensis (Myrtaceae), uma árvore do cerrado
The Brazilian cerrado, a hotspot of biodiversity, has suffered intense fragmentation in the last decades with an associated increase in areas subjected to edge effects. Plant phenology may be influenced by abiotic changes ...
Mixed Nothofagus forest management: a crucial link between regeneration, site and microsite conditions
(Springer, 2020-05)
Canopy openings due to harvesting practices constitute a disturbance that changes the environmental conditions of microsites. Its impact on the relative performance of the regeneration of different tree species could also ...
How does spatial micro-environmental heterogeneity influence seedling recruitment in ironstone outcrops?
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2021-03-01)
Questions Environmental filters limit the set of potentially coexisting species in plant communities. Paradoxically, some of the world's most biodiverse communities are subjected to strong abiotic filters. We explored how ...