Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 121
Neural Networks in the prediction of microclimate, La Hechicera-Mérida-Venezuela, Case of StudyRedes neuronales en la predicción de micro-clima, zona de estudio La Hechicera Mérida, Venezuela
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2017)
A Methodology for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Building Energy Consumption
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020)
Global average surface air temperatures over land and oceans have been increasing over the past 100 years mainly because of anthropogenic climate change. Cities, due to the concentration of population, economic activities ...
Análise da influência de corpos d'água em microclimas urbanos: estudo de caso em São José do Rio Preto, SP
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Urbana - PPGEU, 2014-06-06)
This study analyzes the microclimate effects caused by a water body in São José do Rio Preto city, which is located at an Altitute Tropical Climate region in the São Paulo State, Brazil. The main hypothesis stems from the ...
Does caching strategy vary with microclimate in endangered Mt. Graham red squirrels?
Food hoarding is a common behavior used by a variety of animals to cope with periods of low food availability. At the retreating edge of species’ distribution, the stressful environment and unfavourable climate conditions ...
Study of thermal comfort in the city of são paulo using ENVI-met model
This study is aimed to analyze the thermal comfort in different areas in the city of São Paulo. Two different areas were selected, a densely built (Consolação district) and the other was Fontes do Ipiranga State Park (FISP), ...
Study of thermal comfort in the city of são paulo using ENVI-met model
This study is aimed to analyze the thermal comfort in different areas in the city of São Paulo. Two different areas were selected, a densely built (Consolação district) and the other was Fontes do Ipiranga State Park (FISP), ...
Adaptation of an apple sooty blotch and flyspeck warning system for the Upper Midwest United States
A warning system for sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) of apple, developed in the southeastern United States, uses cumulative hours of leaf wetness duration (LWD) to predict the timing of the first appearance of signs. In ...
Use of geostatistical and crop growth modelling to assess the variability of greenhouse tomato yield caused by spatial temperature variations
Users of potential crop growth models have generally assumed homogenous greenhouse climate conditions for simulation purposes. Geostatistics offers the possibility to represent the spatial dependence of climate variables ...
Study using a CFD approach of the efficiency of a roof ventilation closure system in a multi-tunnel greenhouse for nighttime microclimate optimization
The thermal efficiency of naturally ventilated greenhouses is limited due to the permanent exchange of air through the vents, especially during the night hours. The objective of the work consisted in evaluating a system ...