Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 440
Smoothness of the metric projection onto nonconvex bodies in Hilbert spaces
(Academic Press Inc., 2018)
Based on a fundamental work of R. B. Holmes from 1973, we study differentiability properties of the metric projection onto prox-regular sets. We show that if the set is a nonconvex body with a Cp+1-smooth boundary, then ...
Prox-regularity approach to generalized equations and image projection
(EDP Sciences, 2018-04)
In this paper, we first investigate the prox-regularity behaviour of solution mappings to generalized equations. This study is realized through a nonconvex uniform Robinson Ursescu type theorem. Then, we derive new significant ...
Error bounds, metric subregularity and stability in Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems with nonsmooth payoff functions
In this paper, we study the calmness of a generalized Nash equilibrium problem (GNEP) with non-differentiable data. The approach consists in obtaining some error bound property for the KKT system associated with the ...
The left invariant metric in the general linear group
(Elsevier Science, 2014-12)
Left invariant metrics induced by the p-norms of the trace in the matrix algebra are studied on the general linear group. By means of the Euler–Lagrange equations, existence and uniqueness of extremal paths for the length ...
Bessel Potentials in Ahlfors Regular Metric Spaces
(Springer, 2016-08)
In this paper we introduce Bessel potentials and the Sobolev potential spaces resulting from them in the context of Ahlfors regular metric spaces. The Bessel kernel is defined using a Coifman type approximation of the ...
Image segmentation using morphological tools
In this work we study the extraction of semantic objects from images together with a metric that ranks them according to their perceptual significance. To obtain an initial segmentation we use elements of mathematical ...
Interior Proximal Algorithm with Variable Metric for Second-Order Cone Programming: Applications to Structural Optimization and Support Vector Machines
(Taylor & Francis, 2009-10)
In this work, we propose an inexact interior proximal-type algorithm for solving convex second-order cone programs. This kind of problem consists of minimizing a convex function (possibly nonsmooth) over the intersection ...
Interior proximal bundle algorithm with variable metric for nonsmooth convex symmetric cone programming
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)
This paper is devoted to the study of a bundle proximal-type algorithm for solving the problem of minimizing a nonsmooth closed proper convex function subject to symmetric cone constraints, which include the positive orthant ...