Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 978
High T/P evolution and metamorphic ages of the migmatitic basement of northern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: Characterization of a mid-crustal segment of the Famatinian belt
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011-03)
New petrologic, thermobarometric and U-Pb monazite geochronologic information allowed to resolve the metamorphic evolution of a high temperature mid-crustal segment of an ancient subduction-related orogen. The El Portezuelo ...
High T/P evolution and metamorphic ages of the migmatitic basement of northern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: Characterization of a mid-crustal segment of the Famatinian belt
New petrologic, thermobarometric and U-Pb monazite geochronologic information allowed to resolve the metamorphic evolution of a high temperature mid-crustal segment of an ancient subduction-related orogen. The EI Portezuelo ...
The Juiz de Fora granulite complex of the central Ribeira Belt, SE Brazil: A Paleoproterozoic crustal segment thrust during the Pan-African orogeny
(Int Assoc Gondwana ResearchOsakaJapão, 1998)
The cedrolina chromitite, Goiás State, Brazil: A metamorphic puzzle
The Cedrolina chromitite body (Goiás-Brazil) is concordantly emplaced within talc-chlorite schists that correspond to the poly-metamorphic product of ultramafic rocks inserted in the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt (Central ...
Megaestruturacao pre-cambriana do territorio brasileiro baseada em dados geofisicos e geologicos
Crustal discontinuities may be seen as A-type collision sutures with triple junction arrays. Shear belts developed at the block borders due to oblique plate convergence. A consistent litho-structural zoning may be observed ...
Megaestruturacao pre-cambriana do territorio brasileiro baseada em dados geofisicos e geologicos
Crustal discontinuities may be seen as A-type collision sutures with triple junction arrays. Shear belts developed at the block borders due to oblique plate convergence. A consistent litho-structural zoning may be observed ...
Caracterização metamórfica do Greenstone Belt de Guarinos - GO
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011)
The study area comprises Guarinos Greenstone Belt which is located in the centralwest state of Goias and has an approximate size of 280 km2. The present work has as main objective to characterize the metamorphism of the ...
Extending the Pampean orogen in western Argentina: New evidence of Cambrian magmatism and metamorphism within the Ordovician Famatinian belt revealed by new SHRIMP U–Pb ages
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-02-10)
New SHRIMP U–Pb zircon and monazite ages from the Sierra de Fiambalá (Sierras Pampeanas, NW Argentina) record coeval granitoid peraluminous magmatism and high-grade metamorphism at ca. 525 Ma (Lower Cambrian) that resulted ...