Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13648
Processing Speed and Working Memory Span: Their Differential Role in Superficial and Deep Memory Processes in Schizophrenia
Previous work has suggested that decrement in both processing speed and working memory span plays a role in the memory impairment observed in patients with schizophrenia. We undertook a study to examine simultaneously the ...
Institutional memory and organizational memory: Faces of the same coinMemória institucional e memória organizacional: Faces de uma mesma moeda
Memory has the characteristic of being ubiquitous and is considered a phenomenon of identification and belonging in which the individual is both subject and object. In this context, the objective is to present some differences ...
Memory built in conjunction with a stressor is privileged: Reconsolidation-resistant memories in the crab Neohelice
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-04)
The dynamics of memory processes are conserved throughout evolution, a feature based on the hypothesis of a common origin of the high-order memory centers in bilateral animals. Reconsolidation is just one example. The ...
The Role and Dynamic of Strengthening in the Reconsolidation Process in a Human Declarative Memory: What Decides the Fate of Recent and Older Memories?
(Public Library Science, 2013-04-26)
Several reports have shown that after specific reminders are presented, consolidated memories pass from a stable state to one in which the memory is reactivated. This reactivation implies that memories are ...
Introspection during short-term memory scanning
The literature in metacognition has argued for many years that introspective access to our own mental content is restricted to the cognitive states associated with the response to a task, such as the level of confidence ...
Extinction and recovery of an avoidance memory impaired by scopolamine
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-03)
Pre-training administration of scopolamine (SCP) resembles situations of cholinergic dysfunction, leading to memory impairment of mice trained in an inhibitory avoidance task. We suggest here that SCP does not impair memory ...
A working memory intervention weakens the reconsolidation of a threat memory and its biases processing towards threat
(Biorxiv, 2020-01)
BACKGROUND Threat-conditioning (TC) memory plays a central role in anxiety disorders, but not in a simple way. This memory impacts on complex cognitive systems by modifying behavioral responses with a bias to fearful stimuli ...
Continuing commentary: Beyond recollection: Toward a dialogical psychology of collective memory
Collective memory implies the social and psychological production of meaningful acts of
memory, a special kind of truth claim about a controversial past. Memory acts are thus
conceptualized as ideological positioning ...
An investigation into prospective memory in children with developmental dyslexia
Developmental dyslexia hinders reading and writing acquisition of around 5-10% of the children all over the world. However, little is known about role of prospective memory among dyslexics. Prospective memory is realization ...
Differential neurophysiological correlates of retrieval of consolidated and reconsolidated memories in humans: an ERP and pupillometry study
(Academic Press, 2020)
Consolidated memories can return to a labile state if they are reactivated by unpredictable reminders. To persist, active memories must be re-stabilized through a process known as reconsolidation. Although there is consistent ...