Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1543
Horno cubilote
The iron is melted in the hot air blast cupola furnace and is then poured into the
casting moulds. The hot air cupola has a melting capacity of 18 to 27 tons per
hour and can melt basic iron for both nodular and grey ...
Understanding a volcano through a droplet: A melt inclusion approach
(Elsevier, 2016)
This review paper is intended to be a guideline to novices on how to conduct research on silicate melt inclusions in volcanic environments, which analytical techniques are more suitable to gather the desired data and the ...
Modeling Melt Spinning with Stress Induced Crystallization at High Take Up Velocities: Numerical Results for the PET Melt
(Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional, 2002-11)
The purpose of this work is to present a 2-D thermo-rheological model for high take up velocities that can predict numerically in the filament domain, the axial velocity profile together with the radial and axial resolutions ...
The recycling through melting machining chips, preliminary results
(Associa????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2018)
Unraveling the Effects of Melt-Mantle Interactions on the Gold Fertility of Magmas
(Frontiers Media, 2020)
The oxidation state of the Earth's mantle and its partial melting products exert a key control on the behavior and distribution of sulfur and chalcophile and siderophile elements between the mantle and crust, underpinning ...
Understanding a volcano through a droplet: a melt inclusion approach.
This review paper is intended to be a guideline to novices on how to conduct research on silicate melt inclusions in volcanic environments, which analytical techniques are more suitable to gather the desired data and the ...
Multiphysics simulation of laser-material interaction during laser powder depositon
This work reports a theoretical and numerical study of the parameters related to the process of laser powder deposition through a lateral nozzle. For this purpose, a 3D quasi-stationary finite element model was developed ...
Syn-deformational anatexis along the Santa Rosa river section, Argentina: Feedback relations between deformation, metamorphism and melt extraction
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2019-07)
Mass transference from lower to upper crustal levels requires an efficient network of pathways that act as channels for draining melts from the source and transferring magmas through the crust. We report on a mid-crustal ...