Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 132
El azar como espacio positivo de indeterminación en la asimilación tomista de la física de AristótelesEl azar como espacio positivo de indeterminación en la asimilación tomista de la física de Aristóteles
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2018)
La causa essendi como verdadera causa metafísica en el Avicenna latinusThe Causa Essendi as the Real Metaphysical Cause in the Avicenna Latinus
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2011)
Medieval saints and modern screens : divine visions as cinematic experience
At the age of six, I took a vow of silence. I had witnessed something so
exquisite, so evanescent that I had to memorialize it. I had to sacrifice my
words on the altar of something greater than myself. What engendered
this ...
The Barolo Palace: medieval astronomy in the streets of Buenos Aires
(University Wales Trinity Saint David. The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, 2013-04)
Cultural heritage relating to the sky in the form of sundials, old observatories and the like, are commonly found in many cities in the Old World, but rarely in the New. This paper examines astronomical heritage embodied ...
Silence, orality, and medieval writing : the realization of the female corporality in the Libro de ApolonioSilencio, oralidad y escritura medieval : la realización de la corporeidad femenina en el Libro de Apolonio
(Department of Literature. School of Philosophy and Literature, 2017)
Between the far and the near: good and beauty in the early Portuguese travels
(Univ Coimbra, Fac Letras, 2015-01-01)
Fifteenth century's Portuguese writings about African lands let emerge certain recurrent impressions on perfection ideals that do not hide the ethical basis on which they are supported, or rather, the ethic-moral principles ...
Aceleración y caída de los graves en Oresme. Sobre la inaplicabilidad del teorema de la velocidad media (Parte I)Acceleration and Fall of the Bodies in Oresme. On the Inapplicability of the Theorem of the Mean Speed (Part I)
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1992)