Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Casamento intercultural e suas peculiariedades : um estudo sobre brasileiras que vive na Suíça
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2011-05-06)
This dissertation aims to analyze and identify the process of migration of Brazilian women to Switzerland who came to marry with Swiss men and the repercussions of this marriage in their lives. In this perspective were ...
Casamento intercultural e suas peculiariedades : um estudo sobre brasileiras que vive na Suíça
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2011-05-06)
This dissertation aims to analyze and identify the process of migration of Brazilian women to Switzerland who came to marry with Swiss men and the repercussions of this marriage in their lives. In this perspective were ...
Types of marriages, population structure and genetic disease
(Journal of Biosocial ScienceBrasil, 2013)
A high occurrence rate of consanguineous marriages may favour
the onset and increased frequency of autosomal recessive diseases in a population.
The population of Monte Santo, Bahia, Brazil, has a high frequency of
rare ...
Types of marriages, population structure and genetic disease
(Cambridge University Press, 2013)
Types of marriages, population structure and genetic disease
A high occurrence rate of consanguineous marriages may favour the onset and increased frequency of autosomal recessive diseases in a population. The population of Monte Santo, Bahia, Brazil, has a high frequency of rare ...
Political power from elite family networks in colonial Buenos Aires
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019)
The aim of this chapter is to show the relationship between the nominations for seats in the Cabildo of Buenos Aires between 1776 and 1810 and the network status of councilmen and their families. To this end, we test ...
"An (Im)patient population": Waiting experiences of transgender patients at healthcare services in Buenos Aires
(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020)
Waiting time, considered as an indicator, has been used to measure the quality of health services. Up until now, waiting periods have been analysed mostly quantitatively in order to generate policies to reduce these time ...
Party-political and electoral system of UruguayO sistema político, partidário e eleitoral do Uruguai
(Laboratório Editorial Faculdade de Ciências e Letras, 2015)
Modelos de aprendizaje y cambio
(Universidad Santo TomásProducción Editorial, 2020-04-16)
Intento suicida en pacientes de 20 a 40 años en los hospitales San Rafael de Facatativa y San Juan Bautista E. S. E de Chaparral Tolima entre 01 de Enero del año 2016 al 01 de Junio del año 2018
(Facultad de Ciencias de la SaludMedicina, 2018)
Objectives: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of the suicidal tendencies population attended in the emergency services of San Juan Bautista Hospital in Chaparral, Tolima and San Rafael Hospital in Facatativa, ...