Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 158
TerraceM-2: A MatlabR (R) Interface for Mapping and Modeling Marine and Lacustrine Terraces
The morphology of marine and lacustrine terraces has been largely used to measure past sea- and lake-level positions and estimate vertical deformation in a wealth of studies focused on climate and tectonic processes. To ...
Late Pleistocene marine terrace deposits in northeastern Brazil: sea-level change and tectonic implications
Coastal areas of passive margins are among the best places to examine the reality of sea-level changes. Elevation of marine terraces is central to interpretation of their approximate age in this kind of tectonic setting. ...
Barra de Tabatinga and Touros Formations: evidence of pleistocene hich sea-level stillstands of the Rio Grande do Norte coast
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2001)
Accelerated late Quaternary uplift revealed by 10 Be exposure dating of marine terraces, Mejillones Peninsula, northern Chile.
The Mejillones Peninsula is thought to have one of the highest rates of tectonic uplift along the active convergent margin of northern Chile. We use exposure age dating from a flight of well-preserved marine terraces to ...
Las terrazas marinas de Maisí
Los movimientos neotectónicos han sido siempre un tema de interés para distintas ramas de las geociencias. En este aspecto, las deformaciones que presentan las terrazas marinas son elementos de inestimable valor en el ...
Terrazas pleistocenicas cubanas
(Imp. Compañía Editora de Libros y Folletos, La Habana, 1944)
Se exponen las distintas clases de terrazas existentes: Lacustres, marinas y aluviales; y se reseñan las diversas hipótesis que se han emitido para conocer las causas que las originaron. The different types of existing ...