Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 120
Thermal behavior of phenol-furfuryl alcohol resin/carbon nanotubes composites
Phenol-furfuryl alcohol resins (PFA) are excellent candidates to replace existing thermoset matrices used in obtaining insulating systems or carbon materials, both in its pure form and reinforced with nanoscale structures. ...
Diamond thermal expansion measurement using transmitted X-ray back-diffraction
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2005)
On The Thermal Characterization Of Solids By Photoacoustic Calorimetry: Thermal Diffusivity And Linear Thermal Expansion Coefficient
Setting time and thermal expansion of two endodontic cements
(Mosby-elsevier, 2008-09-01)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the setting time and the thermal expansion coefficient of 2 endodontic cements, MTA-Angelus and a novel cement called CER. The setting time was determined in accordance to ANSI/ADA ...
Setting time and thermal expansion of two endodontic cements
(Mosby-elsevier, 2008-09-01)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the setting time and the thermal expansion coefficient of 2 endodontic cements, MTA-Angelus and a novel cement called CER. The setting time was determined in accordance to ANSI/ADA ...
Density, thermal expansion coefficient, and rheological behaviour of meat extract under different temperatures and solids concentrations
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016-05-01)
Meat extract is a product with a high aggregated value obtained by concentrating cooking broth from meat products. To optimize project design and processing, we determined experimental values of the density and rheological ...
Coeficiente de dilatación : diseño y construcción de un dilatómetro
(Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, 2021-05-06)
En prácticamente cualquier curso de termodinámica aparece el tema de dilatación, en particular la dilatación lineal. Pero también resulta de mucha importancia en la naturaleza ya que ésta se toma muy seriamente el tema al ...