Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Water channels and their roles in some ocular tissues
(Elsevier Science, 2012-07)
Water is a major component of the eye, and water channels (aquaporins) are ubiquitous in ocular tissues, and quite abundant at their different locations. AQP1 is expressed in corneal endothelium, lens epithelium, ciliary ...
Trypan blue staining for capsulorhexis: Ultrastructural effect on lens epithelial cells and capsules
PURPOSE: To evaluate the ultrastructural effect of trypan blue 0.1% staining for capsulorhexis on lens epithelial cells (LECs) and capsules SETTING: Division of Ophthalmology. University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil ...
Desarrollo Embriofetal del Iris: Inmunotinción del Morfógeno Shh
(Facultad de Medicina y Ciencia, 2019)
In order for the iris to develop, a specification of the peripheral layer of the optic cup to a non-neuronal taiget is required, as well as the migration of periocular mesenchyrnal cells. Our aim was to recognize the ...
Embryo-fetal development of iris: Immunohistochemestry of morphogen Shh Desarrollo embriofetal del iris: Inmunotinción del morfógeno Shh
(Universidad de la Frontera, 2019)
In order for the iris to develop, a specification of the peripheral layer of the optic cup to a non-neuronal target is required, as well as the migration of periocular mesenchymal cells. Our aim was to recognize the ...
Histología y morfometría del ojo del pez de Ariopsis seemanni: Implicaciones en ecología visualHistology and morphometry of the eye of Ariopsis seemanni fish: Visual ecology implications
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, 2013-12)
Teniendo en cuenta la importancia del sistema visual en la vida de los organismos, en el presente trabajo se hace una descripción histológica y morfométrica del ojo de juveniles de Ariopsis seemanni, una especie de teleósteo ...
Automatic segmentation of epithelium in cervical whole slide images to assist diagnosis of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
(Universidad de Chile, 2020)
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) is a precancerous state of the cervix, and the correct
diagnosis of its level of severity (CIN grade) allows to determine patient treatment and prevent
invasive carcinoma. It ...
Determinación de la presencia y expresión de las enzimas geranylgeranyl difosfato sintasa, farnesyl difosfato sintasa, lanosterol sintasa y escualeno sintasa en cristalinos humanos con catarata senil
(Bogotá - Medicina - Especialidad en OftalmologíaDepartamento de CirugíaFacultad de MedicinaBogotá, ColombiaUniversidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá, 2022-02-02)
Se desconoce con claridad la fisiopatología exacta por la cual se forman las cataratas relacionadas con la edad. Se han investigado múltiples relaciones entre la biosíntesis del lanosterol y la formación de cataratas. En ...
Parâmetros oftálmicos em cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous, Linnaeus, 1766)
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2015-11-19)
Crab-eating foxes (Cerdocyon thous) are one of the wild animals most attended in rehabilitation centers, making it imperative to extend current knowledge of morphophysiological parameters specific to the species. This study ...