Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 108
Educación en lengua criolla: las actitudes de los educandos en la costa atlántica de Nicaragua
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2011)
Indigenous and European rhetoric paths in MexicoSenderos de la retórica indígena y europea en México
(Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, 1/01)
Escribir filosofía en una lengua sin tradición filosófica: el problema de la lengua en los orígenes de la ModernidadWriting philosophy in a language with no philosophical tradition: the language question at the origins of Modernity
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2013-09)
En este artículo se analizan algunos de los motivos que llevaron a la adopción de las lenguas vernáculas como lenguas filosóficas entre los siglos XIV y XVII en Francia e Italia. El artículo pone el foco en el Discours de ...
Problemas de traducción a lenguas modernas de textos antiguos o vernaculares
(Universidad Veracruzana, 1961)
African-American vernacular english: A descriptive Analysis of the Comedy of Steve Harvey
(PUCE - Quito, 2019-08-13)
Stand-up comedy is one of the most representative forms of entertainment in the U.S. It plays a big role in the construction of identity of the various communities. It is the place where comedians can openly discuss about ...
Stancetaking and the projection of ethnic identity in YouTube comments on two videos about African American Vernacular English
(Universidad de Belgrano - Escuela de Lenguas y Estudios Extranjeros - Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa, 2016)
It is well known that the new media play an important role in people’s lives nowadays. What seems
remarkable is the fact that traditional communication practices are being redefined and new ones have emerged as a consequence ...
Exploration of the attitude towards African American vernacular English and its speakers by students of foreign languages
This study aimed to find out what perceptions about AAVE (African American Vernacular
English) and its speakers were upheld by Foreign Languages students at Universidad del Valle.
Students from all of the English courses ...
Path marking on the satellite in Latin, Old Portuguese, and Vernacular Brazilian PortugueseLa marcación de dirección en el satélite en latín, portugués viejo y portugués brasileño vernáculoA marcação de direção no satélite em latim, português antigo e português brasileiro vernacular
(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - UFSC, 2021)