Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 428
La legal literacy, una manifestación del empoderamiento femenino. Su comprensión e instrumentación para alcanzar la igualdad sustantiva de las mujeres en el contexto del derecho laboral
(Universidad La Salle México, Facultad de Negocios, 2022-05-25)
La noción “empoderamiento” se usa e identifica incesantemente en los estudios de la mujer y del género, sin embargo, en esa misma perspectiva, su comprensión parece no reconocer otras manifestaciones, adjuntas o implícitas, ...
Alfabetização de jovens e adultos na contemporaneidade
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeira, 2013-04-09)
This paper presents an analysis of the political and methodological aspects of how to find the Youth and Adult Literacy today, based on the Literacy and literacy Municipal School Hector Furtado de Alencar de Assis Chateaubriand ...
Digital literacy, remote teaching and access during COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on postgraduate female in Brazilian Amazon
(Instituto de Investigación en Educación, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2023)
Transparency and open data in the classroom: A pedagogical exercise to construct civic awareness about access to public digital data in Brazil
This paper presents the pedagogical experience of the open data administration course whose acronym in Portuguese is 'ATADA', at UNESP, Brazil. After some theoretical explanations about data transparency limitations in the ...
Os saberes mobilizados pelos professores alfabetizadores no processo de aprendizagem dos alunos ingressos no Ensino Fundamental I
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação Profissional em Educação - PPGPECâmpus São Carlos, 2020-11-11)
The present study aimed to analyze the knowledge of pedagogical practice that literacy teachers mobilize in the process of inserting students in elementary school I. As specific objectives the research sought: to understand ...
The work of reading literature in brazilian basic education: interpretation and understanding between legal, economic and
(Univ Estadual Campinas, Inst Estudos Linguagem, 2022-01-01)
Questions have been raised in the literature about language teaching methodologies (in linguistic analysis, literature, reading and writing) in school education. Several works have been produced that contribute to the ...
Processo de letramento escolar no ensino médio: entre a teoria e a prática
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Comunicação e Expressão; Departamento Acadêmico de Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas, 2014-02-26)
This Working End of Course aims to investigate the process of literacy in High School, it seek to identify the level of literacy of students graduating from basic education cycle. For this, a literature review of the ...
Copyright literacy and LIS education: analysis of its inclusion in the curricula of master's degree programs
The close relationship between copyright laws and the development of library activities has become more intense and complex in recent years due to the impact of the digital setting. For this reason, librarians must have ...
Construcción de paz a partir del alfabetismo jurídico
Literacy, consisting of a person's predicable ability to read and write, represents one of the main topics of interest on the world agenda; in this regard, UNESCO has stated that there are still 773 million illiterate young ...
PACTO NACIONAL PELA ALFABETIZAÇÃO NA IDADE CERTA: UMA ANÁLISE CONTEXTUAL DA PRODUÇÃO DA POLÍTICA E DOS PROCESSOS DE RECONTEXTUALIZAÇÃONational Pact for literacy in the Right Age: a contextual analysis of the policy production and recontextualization processes
(UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE PONTA GROSSABREducaçãoPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EducaçãoUEPG, 2017)