Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32
Lapidari III
To a large extent, the period between 1945–1990 in Albanian history, and the type of monumentality created during this period, is still unreadable to us today. This unreadability is partially the result of a politicization ...
Lapidari II
To a large extent, the period between 1945–1990 in Albanian history, and the type of monumentality created during this period, is still unreadable to us today. This unreadability is partially the result of a politicization ...
Lapidari I
To a large extent, the period between 1945–1990 in Albanian history, and the type of monumentality created
during this period, is still unreadable to us today. This
unreadability is partially the result of a politicization
of ...
Traceología: identificación de las huellas de producción y modo de vida de los individuos de Ancón (800-1100 d. C.)Traceology: identification of craft traces and lifestyle at Ancon (A. D. 800-1100)
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2022)
El Tawantinsuyu y la minería lapidaria en el Noroeste argentino. Evidencias incaicas relacionadas con la explotación de turquesa en la cuenca de Ratones, Puna de Salta
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Museo de Antropología, 2020)
This work analizes and discusses the archaeological evidences linked to the lapidary exploitation of turquoise from the sites Cueva Inca Viejo and Abra de Minas, located in the basin of Ratones, Puna of Salta. Recent ...
Práctica religiosa, especialización artesanal y estatus: hacia la comprensión del rol social del consumo de alucinógenos en el salar de Atacama, norte de Chile (500-1500 DC)
(Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile, 2021)
This work presents the results of a multidisciplinary research focused on the contextual study of the grave goods of six pre-Hispanic cemeteries of the San Pedro de Atacama oasis, Antofagasta Region, Chile. The main objective ...
El Tawantinsuyu y la minería lapidaria en el Noroeste argentino: Evidencias incaicas relacionadas con la explotación de turquesa en la cuenca de Ratones, Puna de SaltaThe Tawantinsuyu and lapidary mining in the North-Western Argentina: Inca evidence related to the exploitation of turquoise in the basin of Ratones, Puna of Salta
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Museo de Antropología, 2020-03)
En este trabajo se analizan y discuten las evidencias arqueológicas vinculadas con la explotación lapidaria de turquesa provenientes de los sitios Cueva Inca Viejo y Abra de Minas, ubicados en la cuenca de Ratones, Puna ...
Colonial jewelry from 16th and 17th-century nueva granada: general considerations and pictorial documents.
(Ensayos: Historia y teoría del arte, 2013)
Not much is known about Colombian colonial jewelry.With this study we want to do a small contribution tothat knowledge. Our sources information were essentiallypictorial documents of the sixteenth and seventeenth.Through ...