Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 754
A bidimensional model of matching in the marriage market with women labor decision
We construct a frictionless matching model of the marriage market where women have bidimensional attributes, one continuous (income) and the other dichotomous (home ability). Equilibrium in the marriage market determines ...
Labor supply, criminal behavior and income redistribution
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2009-12-01)
This paper develops an overlapping generations model of criminal behavior, which extends prior research on crime by taking into account individuals’ labor supply decisions and the stigma effect that affects convicted ...
Labor Supply, Criminal Behavior and Income RedistributionLabor Supply, Criminal Behavior and Income Redistribution
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2009)
Semiparametric estimation of a sample selection model with a binary endogenous regressor: the effect of chronicity in labour supply
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of chronicity in labour supply and the participation equation in a flexible framework. We analyse a semiparametric model for data including problems of sample selection ...
Female Labor Supply and Child Care Supply in Chile
(Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2012)
We use a specially designed survey to evaluate the effect of several public policies on female
labor force participation in Chile. First, we estimate a self-selection model to find the
determinants of female labor ...
El Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar Desocupados y la Informalidad Laboral
(Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía, 2009)
Este trabajo estudia el impacto del Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar desocupados
sobre la informalidad laboral. Este programa fue implementado en Argentina en abril de
2002 en medio de una crisis socioeconómica sin precedentes ...
Competencia laboral : sistemas, surgimiento y modelos
(Cinterfor, 2017)
Retornos a la educación y movilidad intergeneracional en México
(El Autor, 2017)
Remesas internacionales y oferta laboral en el Perú
(El Autor, 2018)