Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 454
K-finite objects and decidabilityObjetos K-finitos y decidibilidad
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA), 2014)
K-finite decidable objects and finite cardinals in an arbitrary toposObjetos K-finitos decidibles y cardinales finitos en un topos arbitrario
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA), 2012)
K-finite decidable objects and finite cardinals in an arbitrary toposObjetos K-finitos decidibles y cardinales finitos en un topos arbitrario
In an elemetary topos $\varepsilo$, we prove that the class of K-finite decidable objects is the same to the class of finite cardinals in E if and only if every K-finite decidable object X such that $X \longrightarrow 1$ ...
K-finite decidable objects and finite cardinals in an arbitrary toposObjetos K-finitos decidibles y cardinales finitos en un topos arbitrario
In an elemetary topos $\varepsilo$, we prove that the class of K-finite decidable objects is the same to the class of finite cardinals in E if and only if every K-finite decidable object X such that $X \longrightarrow 1$ ...
A note on k–finite objects in a boolean topos with the natural numbers objectUna nota sobre objetos k–finitos en un topos booleano con el objeto de los
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA), 2012)
K-finite objects and decidabilityObjetos K-finitos y decidibilidad
We study the k-finite and decidable objects in an elementary topos. We prove some results concerning k-finite and decidable objects.
K-finite objects and decidabilityObjetos K-finitos y decidibilidad
We study the k-finite and decidable objects in an elementary topos. We prove some results concerning k-finite and decidable objects.
A note on $k$-finite objects in a boolean topos with the natural numbers objectUna nota sobre objetos <img alt="k" class="tex" src="http://www.latindex.ucr.ac.cr/plugins/generic/latexRender/cache/8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3.png"/>-finitos en un topos booleano con el objeto de los números naturales
We prove that every $k$-finite object in a boolean topos with nat-ural number object is internally the quotient of a natural number object.Keywords: Topoi, $k$-finite objects, natural numbers.Mathematics Subject Classification: ...
A note on $k$-finite objects in a boolean topos with the natural numbers objectUna nota sobre objetos <img alt="k" class="tex" src="http://www.latindex.ucr.ac.cr/plugins/generic/latexRender/cache/8ce4b16b22b58894aa86c421e8759df3.png"/>-finitos en un topos booleano con el objeto de los números naturales
We prove that every $k$-finite object in a boolean topos with nat-ural number object is internally the quotient of a natural number object.Keywords: Topoi, $k$-finite objects, natural numbers.Mathematics Subject Classification: ...
2D Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Itaipu buttress dam using the finite element method in Frortran
(Edivaldo José da Silva Junior, 2018-09-20)
The aim of the present work is to present a computational code in FORTRAN, based on the Finite Element Method, capable of simulating the thermal behavior of a two dimensional medium subjected to conduction heat transfer. ...