Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 755
Contributions of the Local Justice Systems to the Construction of a Culture of Peace. The Case of Kennedy (Bogotá)
The article presents an analysis of the contributions of the implementation of the local justice systems (slj) to the construction of a peace culture, addressing the case of the Kennedy (Bogotá). It is based on the ...
The peremptory nature of the principle no peace without justice with respect to those most responsible persons for crimes against humanity and the consequences for the scope of application of the so called transitional justice
This text studies the imperative nature of the prohibition of committing crimes against humanity in international law, and the obligation to prosecute, judge, and punish these crimes. In this way, it develops the complementarity ...
Transitional justice and indigenous jurisdictions processes in Colombia: 4 cases-studies and multi-site ethnography
Transitional justice and its range of mechanisms and goals appear to be an important debate about how to deal with past human rights abuses in transition societies or post conflicts. Because of the Peace and Justice Law ...
Benefits and Guarantees of Law Enforcement Members under Transitional Justice in Compared Perspective: Lessons for ColombiaBeneficios y garantías de los miembros de la fuerza pública en marcos de justicia transicional en perspectiva comparada: lecciones para el caso colombianoBenefícios e garantias dos membros da força pública em marcos de justiça transicional em perspectiva comparada: lições para o caso colombiano
(Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano - Editorial, 2015)
Peace without women does not go! Womens struggle for inclusion in Colombias peace process with the FARC
(Universidad de Los Andes, 2018)
Estudio objetivo de la jurisdicción especial para la Paz
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Jurídicas y Sociales, 2019)
Desde el instante en el que se rubricó el documento titulado “Acuerdo Final para la Terminación del Conflicto y la Construcción de una Paz Estable y Duradera”, por el Estado colombiano y el grupo subversivo FARC - EP, ...