Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 528
The distribution and abundance of wetland ichthyofauna,and exploitation of the fisheries in the Godineau Swamp,Trinidad -Case study
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2005)
Organization and operation of the marine ornamental fish and invertebrate export fishery in Puerto Rico
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2005)
Transboundary Socio-Ecological Effects of a Marine Protected Area in the Southwest Atlantic
(SpringerDordrechtHolanda, 2013)
Impact of the finfish fishery in the South Shetland Islands/Antarctic Peninsula region
(Agenda Antártica, 2015-09)
Besides krill, finfish is at present the only living resource commercially exploited in the Southern Ocean. Following seals and baleen whales prior to the 1970s, demersal fish stocks were depleted off the South Shetland ...
Reproductive activity of the tropical arrow squid Doryteuthis pleiaround São Sebastião Island (SE Brazil) based on a 10-year fisheries monitoring
Monthly samples of Doryteuthis plei were obtained from the small-scale hand-jigging fishery aroundSão Sebastião Island (24◦S), Brazil, across seven fishing seasons (November–April) during the period2002–2012, with the aim ...
Islander and islandness as development: effects on ideas about territorial autonomy of social mobilisation, the case of Chiloé, Chile
Island studies have debated islandness as a cultural experience shaped by isolation, distinctiveness and
lack of goods and services. In 2016, the people of Chiloé, an island in Southern Chile, mobilised against
the Chilean ...