Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 624
Cross-cultural invariance of the Spanish version of the COVID-19 Assessment Scorecard to measure the perception of government actions against COVID-19 in Latin America
(Springer, 2023)
Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the measurement invariance of a general measure of the perception of governmental responses to COVID-|19 (COVID-SCORE-10) in the general population of 13 Latin American ...
Measurement invariance of a neuropsychological battery across urban and rural older adults in Costa Rica
This study evaluated the measurement invariance of a neuropsychological battery across rural and urban older adults from Costa Rica. Rural and urban older adults (N = 295) from the Epidemiology and Development of Alzheimer’s ...
Measurement Invariance of Personal Well-Being Index (PWI-8) Across 26 Countries
This report examines the measurement invariance of the Personal Well-being Index with 8 items (PWI-8). University students (N = 5731) from 26 countries completed the measure either through paper and pencil or electronic ...
Using Bilingual Examinees to Evaluate the Comparability of TestStructure across Different Language Versions of a Mathematics Exam
(Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2015)
Structure and factorial invariance of a brief version of the Eating Attitudes Test in Peruvian university students
(Frontiers, 2023)
Background: University students often experience significant changes in their
eating habits, which can increase the risk of developing eating disorders (ED).
This situation calls for the creation of brief assessment tools ...
Assessing the measurement invariance of a Latin-American Spanish translation of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 in Mexican, Argentinean, and Colombian adolescents
(Elsevier, 2020-03)
In order to advance in the study of positive body image among different cultures, it is important to create culturally appropriate measures. We examined the psychometric properties of a Latin-American Spanish translation ...
Construct validity and factorial invariance across sex of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking – Figural Form A in spanish-speaking children
(Elsevier, 2016-12)
The aim of this work was to study the construct validity of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) by means of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Based on previous literature, four theoretical models were compared ...