Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 246
From individual interactions to population dynamics: individual resource partitioning simulation exposes the causes of nonlinear intra-specific competition.
Intra-specific competition defines the relationship between population density and the performance of individual organisms (R-function). Observation of this relationship in nature shows it to be frequently nonlinear, and ...
Vigor de sementes e desempenho de plantas de milhoMaize seed vigor and plant performance
(Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes, 2012)
Estudou-se os efeitos da utilização de lotes constituídos por sementes de milho de alto ou de baixo vigor, bem como a mistura desses em diferentes proporções, simulando-se o uso de lotes de sementes homogêneos e heterogêneos ...
Seasonally persistent foraging niche segregation between sympatric Southern Rockhopper and Magellanic penguins breeding at Isla de los Estados, Argentina
(Springer, 2020-07)
Variation in the foraging strategies used among species is a key factor in determining the trophic structure of ecological communities. Moreover, foraging niche differentiation could be driven by inter-specific competition ...
Population dynamics of two rodent species in agro-ecosystems of central Argentina: intra-specific competition, land-use, and climate effects.
Understanding the role of feedback structure (endogenous processes) and exogenous (climatic and environmental) factors in shaping the dynamics of natural populations is a central challenge within the field of population ...
A-4s en Malvinas: ¿competencia intra o inter-específica?The A-4 in the Malvinas war: intra or inter-specific competition?
(Universidad de la Defensa Nacional, 2020-07)
El texto analiza con la metáfora biológica de la relación competitiva entre miembros de distintas e idénticas especies, la competencia entre aviadores navales de la Armada Argentina y pilotos aeronáuticos de la Fuerza Aérea ...