Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20180
Increasing the effectiveness of the physical protection system on a nuclear facility
(Associa????o Brasileira de Energia Nuclear, 2018)
Study on the protection planning actions and response to nuclear or radiological emergency
(The International Radiation Protection Association, 2020)
The Ideal of Environmental Protection as Protected Areas: a literature review
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
ALARA in focus
Application of an auditory steady-state response test to evaluate the attenuation of hearing protection devices
This research aims to present a new method to get real attenuation of hearing protection devices, with good reproducibility and a small standard deviation, without relying on skills and cooperation individual. Thus the ...
Enhancing communication on Radiological Protection throughout Brazil
(The International Radiation Protection Association, 2020)
Design of personal protective equipment: To promote of Brazilian artefacts with ergonomic attributes
This research aims to investigate a topic sometimes overlooked among the research of ergonomics. Particularly, we treat the garments as personal protective equipment. In this study we abode on clothing produced and used ...