Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 761
Volume visualization using a spatially aware mobile display device
Volume visualization is a difficult three-dimensional task and a significant amount of research is devoted to the development of a suitable computer input device for it. Most of the proposed models use fixed displays, thus ...
La experiencia de los planes de desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial cantonales en Ecuador
Since 2010, Ecuador’s legal system has obliged provincial, cantonal and parochial decentralized autonomous governments to develop two planning processes, one in 2011 of formulation and the other ...
Experimental analysis of a joint free space cryptosystem
(Elsevier, 2016-08)
In this paper, we analyze a joint free space cryptosystem scheme implemented in an actual laboratory environment. In this encrypting architecture, the object to be encoded and the security key are placed side by side in ...
Improved decryption quality with a random reference beam cryptosystem
(Elsevier, 2019-01)
The secure managing of sensible data is one of the main challenges nowadays. During the last years several advances have demonstrated the ability of optical encrypting systems to protect information. In spite of these ...
Socialization of knowledge in policies of informationLa socialización del conocimento sobre políticas de información
(Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información, 2009)
Propuesta metodológica para la elaboración de planes de gestión de proyectos para el desarrollo de centros educativos públicos sustentables.
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2011)
According to the United Nations Program for Environment (UNEP), the construction industry is consuming 40% of energy, and a third of the resources of humanity, including 12% of sweet water consumption; it is also the ...
Magnitude modelling of HRTF using principal component analysis applied to complex values
Principal components analysis (PCA) is frequently used for modelling the magnitude of the head related transfer functions (HRTFs). Assuming that the HRTFs are minimum phase systems, the phase is obtained from the Hilbert ...
Autoevaluación con miras a la acreditación en la Escuela de Formación Docente.Self-evaluation to Achieve Accreditation in the School of Teacher Education.
(INIE, 2004)
El propósito principal de esta investigación es constituirse, como ya se ha venido logrando, en insumo para la toma de decisiones en la búsqueda del mejoramiento de los planes de estudio; pero adicionalmente constituirse ...
An action plan to provide learners with balanced input in EFL classrooms
(II Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada CONLA UNA, 2015)
A través del tiempo, se han dado opiniones varias relacionadas con la forma en que los estudiantes reciben la información durante las clases de inglés y si esta información es transmitida de tal manera que los alumnos ...