Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 106
Temporal fluctuation in shrub species preferences of two native rodents: The effect of infection status on habitat use
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
Small mammals use plant species for gathering food resources and for shelter. Preferences for certain plant species are related to nutritional restrictions and behavioural patterns, which could be altered in the presence ...
Vias de sinalização de defesa contra vírus mediada pelo receptor imune NIK1 (NSP-Interacting Kinase)Signaling pathways of defense against virus mediated by immune receptor NIK1 (NSP-Interacting Kinase)
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaBRBioquímica e Biologia molecular de plantas; Bioquímica e Biologia molecular animalDoutorado em Bioquímica AgrícolaUFV, 2015)
Fitopatología Molecular
(Universidad Nacional de ColombiaSede BogotáBogotá, Colombia, 2007)
El libro está estructurado como una obra de teatro en donde se describen
los protagonistas y posteriormente estos entran en escena para hacer parte de
cada uno de los diferentes actos (capítulos). En cierto sentido mi ...
Modeling tobacco mosaic virus proliferation in protoplasts
The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is one of the most studied viruses. It is frequently used as a model in the research of virus-host interactions. The interest in understanding the mechanism of its proliferation stems basically ...
Helminth secretomes reflect different lifestyles and parasitized hosts.
(Elsevier Science, 2018)
Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis effector XopAO1 targets two key proteins to suppress defense in Cassava
(Universidad de los AndesMaestría en Ciencias BiológicasFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de Ciencias Biológicas, 2023-01-16)
The Type Three Effector (TTE) protein AvrRpm1 of Pseudomonas syringae can contribute to pathogen virulence or induce an immune response in Arabidopsis, tomato, lettuce, and soybean by modifying their intracellular "guardee" ...
High-resolution Transcript Profiling Of The Atypical Biotrophic Interaction Between Theobroma Cacao And The Fungal Pathogen Moniliophthora Perniciosa
(American Society of Plant Biologists, 2014)
Modeling tobacco mosaic virus proliferation in protoplasts
(North Atlantic University Union, 2016-06)
The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is one of the most studied viruses. It is frequently used as a model in the research of virus-host interactions. The interest in understanding the mechanism of its proliferation stems basically ...