Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 107
Influência do tipo de parto sobre a concentração de imunoglobulinas A, G e M no colostro materno
(Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, 2004-04-01)
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between type of delivery and immunoglobulin concentration in maternal colostrum. METHODS: We studied 82 women who were giving birth. Age was between 21 and 41 years, gestational ...
Necrolisis epidérmica tóxica. Terapia en UCI con inmunoglobulinas intravenosas en un caso
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2000)
Comparative study on the ability of IgG and Fab sheep antivenoms to neutralize local hemorrhage, edema and myonecrosis induced by Bothrops asper (terciopelo) snake venom
The ability of sheep antivenoms, consisting of whole IgG molecules or Fab fragments, to neutralize local hemorrhage, edema and myonecrosis induced by Bothrops asper venom was comparatively studied in mice. The two antivenoms ...
Comparative study on the ability of IgG and Fab sheep antivenoms to neutralize local hemorrhage, edema and myonecrosis induced by Bothrops asper (terciopelo) snake venom
The ability of sheep antivenoms, consisting of whole IgG molecules or Fab fragments, to neutralize local hemorrhage, edema and myonecrosis induced by Bothrops asper venom was comparatively studied in mice. The two antivenoms ...
Meningitis aséptica secundaria a la administración de inmunoglobulina
(Sociedad de Cirugía de Bogotá, Hospital de San José y Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, 2021-07-19)
Expression of peroxiredoxins I and IV in multiple myeloma: association with immunoglobulin accumulation
(SpringerNew YorkEUA, 2013)
Cell Death and Serum Markers of Collagen Metabolism during Cardiac Remodeling in Cavia porcellus Experimentally Infected with Trypanosoma cruzi
(Public Library of Science, 2013)
We studied cell death by apoptosis and necrosis in cardiac remodeling produced by Trypanosoma cruzi infection. In addition, we evaluated collagen I, III, IV (CI, CIII and CIV) deposition in cardiac tissue, and their ...