Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 327
Architectures, spaces, and territories of illicit drug trafficking in Colombia and Mexico
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020)
This research applies an interdisciplinary approach to the bidirectional relationship between illicit drug trafficking activities (specifically, cocaine and opioid trafficking in Colombia and Mexico) and the architectures, ...
Architectures, spaces, and territories of illicit drug trafficking in Colombia and Mexico
(Sage Publisher, 2020-01-01)
This research applies an interdisciplinary approach to the bidirectional relationship between illicit drug trafficking activities (specifically, cocaine and opioid trafficking in Colombia and Mexico) and the architectures, ...
The socioeconomic cost of illicit drug consumption in Chile
This article estimates the magnitude of monetary resources which Chile loses or forgoes owing to the trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs. On the basis of a "cost-of-illness" methodology, it is estimated that in ...
The rise and fall of illicit drug trafficking in the Peruvian Upper Jungle: an analysis from a state-society relations perspectiveAuge y caída del tráfico ilícito de drogas en la selva alta peruana: un análisis desde el enfoque de relaciones Estado-sociedad
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
Antecedentes y perspectivas del narcotráfico en Colombia: una mirada a las políticasAntecedentes y perspectivas del narcotráfico en Colombia: una mirada a las políticasBackground to and perspectives for drug trafficking in colombia: a look at the policiesAntécédents et perspectives du trafic de stupéfiants en colombie: coup d’oeil sur les politiques
(Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas, 2009)
Conspiracy to commit crimes in illicit drug trafficking offense: Dogmatic analysis of second paragraph of the penal code article 296°Conspiración para delinquir en los delitos de tráfico ilícito de drogas: análisis dogmático del cuarto párrafo del Artículo 296° del Código Penal
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019)
Road conectivity and illicit economies in the peruvian AmazonConectividad vial y economías ilícitas en la Amazonía peruana
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza, Tierra y Energía (INTE-PUCP), 2022)