Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 76
Drivers of predator killing by rural residents and recommendations for fostering coexistence in agricultural landscapes
Predators inhabiting human-dominated landscapes are vulnerable to various anthropogenic actions, including people killing them. We assess potential drivers of predator killing in an agricultural landscape in southern Chile, ...
Intentional Human-Caused Mortality of Plestiodon copei (Scincidae)MORTALIDAD INTENCIONAL DE PLESTIODON COPEI (SCINCIDAE) CAUSADA POR HUMANOS.
Poaching and illegal wildlife trade in western Argentina
(Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, 2022-01)
Human-wildlife interactions, poaching and illegal wildlife trade in particular, are among the major threats to biodiversity around the world, causing species and population extinctions, zoonotic diseases dissemination, and ...
Un niño entre comillas.
Unintended Consequences of Alternative Development Programs: Evidence From Colombia's Illegal Crop Substitution
(Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Economía, CEDE, 2020)
While force eradication through aerial spraying has large social costs, there is no evidence of the unexpected consequences of alternative development programs. This paper suggests an unintended effect of the largest crop ...
Illegal hunting cases detected with molecular forensics in Brazil
Background: Illegal hunting is one of the major threats to vertebrate populations in tropical regions. This unsustainable practice has serious consequences not only for the target populations, but also for the dynamics and ...
Illegal hunting cases detected with molecular forensics in Brazil
Background: Illegal hunting is one of the major threats to vertebrate populations in tropical regions. This unsustainable practice has serious consequences not only for the target populations, but also for the dynamics and ...
The stick and carrot strategy: An empirical analysis of governmental intervention against illegal crops in front of the killings of social leaders
Civil society participation is required to achieve strong peace agreements; however, these often fail to end conflicts and get durable peace when the physical security of the parties involved is not guaranteed. In Colombia, ...
Hunting as the main technique used to control wild pigs in Brazil
Wild pigs (Sus scrofa) have expanded their range in Brazil since late 1980s, with reports of damage becoming more frequent in recent years. In 2013, use of lethal methods for wild pig control was legalized by the federal ...