Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 347
Pedestrian crossing light violation in Costa Rica: exploring factors affecting mid-block crossing behavior
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2022)
Illegal wildlife trade: Indonesian turtle egg traders in Kalimantan-Sarawak border
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Sexual behavior among high school students in Brazil: alcohol consumption and legal and illegal drug use associated with unprotected sex
(Faculdade de Medicina / USP, 2013-04-01)
OBJECTIVE: Alcohol and other drug use appears to reduce decision-making ability and increase the risk of unsafe sex, leading to possible unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases/human immunodeficiency virus/HIV ...
Field-Deployable Computer Vision Wood Identification of Peruvian Timbers
Illegal logging is a major threat to forests in Peru, in the Amazon more broadly, and in the tropics globally. In Peru alone, more than two thirds of logging concessions showed unauthorized tree harvesting in natural ...
Análisis del comercio ilegal transfronterizo de arroz en el cantón Daule, año 2021
For many years there have been multiple effects on the farmers of the Daule canton, the one that has the most impact is the illegal passage of rice across the Ecuadorian borders; Therefore, qualitative research of a ...
Juan soldado, protector sobrenatural de los inmigrantes.Juan Soldado: supernatural protector of the migrants.
(Revista da FAEEBA – Educação e Contemporaneidade, Salvador, v. 20, n. 35, p. 217-228, jan./jun. 2011, 2015)