Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 36
Path-based Metaheuristics to Solve A Variant of the Flowshop ProblemMetaheurísticas Basadas en Trayectoria para Resolver una Variante del Problema de Flowshop
(Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, 2019)
A hybrid scheduling approach for automated flowshops with material handling and time constraints
(Taylor & Francis, 2014-01)
Flowshop scheduling problems have been extensively studied by several authors using different approaches. A typical flowshop process consists of successive manufacturing stages arranged in a single production line where ...
Genetic algorithms for the no-wait flowshop sequencing problem with time restrictions
(Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2006)
Programação da produção em sistemas flowshop híbrido com buffers limitados
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção - PPGEP-So, 2013-09-12)
This research studies the hybrid flowshop scheduling problem. In this production configuration, we have a set of jobs that has to be processed in a set of stages. At every stage we have a set of parallel machines available ...
Solving a bi-criteria hybrid flowshop scheduling problem occuring in apparel manufacturing
(International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 2011)
This paper studies the problem of production scheduling in a company belonging to the apparel industry, where textile labels are manufactured through the process of thermal transfer. The problem is modelled as a flexible ...
Ant colony optimization algorithm for a Bi-criteria 2-stage hybrid flowshop scheduling problem
(Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2011)
We consider the problem of scheduling jobs in
a hybrid flowshop with two stages. Our objective is to minimize both the makespan and the total completion time of
jobs. This problem has been little studied in the literature. ...
Metaheurísticas Basadas en Trayectoria para Resolver una Variante del Problema de Flowshop
(Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, 2015-11)
El problema de flowshop flexible híbrido con secuencias dependientes del tiempo de puesta a punto es un problema que se puede encontrar en muchos ambientes industriales En este trabajo proponemos algoritmos metaheurísticos ...
Modelos e algoritmos para o flowshop híbrido com tempos de preparaçãodependentes da sequência e da máquina
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-02-26)
This work focuses the Hybrid Flow Shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup time, as well as machine, considering initially three performance criteria: Minimize makespan, time processing and the number of overdue ...
Aplicación de la meta-heurística colonia de hormigas para la resolución de problemas multi-objetivo de programación de la producción en Flowshops híbridos (flexibles)
(Universidad de La SabanaMaestría en Gerencia de OperacionesEscuela Internacional de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2012-04-08)
Con el fin de mejorar los niveles de competitividad, las empresas de manufactura y de servicio están obligadas a la implementación constante de procedimientos formales que les permitan optimizar sus procesos. En ese ...
Solución de problemas tipo Flow-Shop mediante algoritmos evolutivos
En esta Tesis se presenta una modificación al algoritmo genético HaEa (Hybrid Adaptative Evolutionary Algorithm) para resolver problemas de secuenciamiento tipo Flow-Shop. Se revisan tres operadores genéticos de mutación ...