Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 126
Water-soluble terpolymer directs the hollow triangular cones of packed calcite needles
Hollow triangular cones of packed calcite needles, which have never been seen before in natural biominerals, were prepared using a double-decomposition precipitation method. These are shown to be oriented attachments of ...
Cobertura da cultura da soja pela calda fungicida em função, de pontas de pulverização e volumes de aplicação
The goal of this research was to evaluate two tips of spraying nozzles (hollow cone nozzle and two flat fan nozzle annexed to a nozzle body DUO) and three spray volumes (100, 150 and 200 dm3 ha-1), whose application was ...
Cobertura da cultura da soja pela calda fungicida em função, de pontas de pulverização e volumes de aplicação
The goal of this research was to evaluate two tips of spraying nozzles (hollow cone nozzle and two flat fan nozzle annexed to a nozzle body DUO) and three spray volumes (100, 150 and 200 dm3 ha-1), whose application was ...
Dissecting the active galactic nucleus in Circinus - I. Peculiar mid-IR morphology explained by a dusty hollow cone
(Oxford university press, 2017)
Recent high angular resolution observations resolved for the first time the mid-infrared (MIR) structure of nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN). Surprisingly, they revealed that a major fraction of their MIR emission comes ...
Confined developable elastic surfaces: cylinders, cones and the Elastica
We consider two of the simplest problems associated with the packing of a naturally flat thin elastic sheet. Both problems involve packing the sheet into a hollow cylinder; the first considers the partial contact of a ...
Influência da pressão e da ponta de pulverização na distribuição de caldas em pulverizadores costais manuais
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-04-27)
O uso de pulverizadores costais manuais no Brasil é frequente em todas as propriedades rurais. Entretanto, são escassos os trabalhos de pesquisa que avaliem as suas características de trabalho, sobretudo com o modelo de ...
Influence of working pressure and spray nozzle on the distribution of spray liquid in manual backpack sprayers
(Instituto Biológico, 2019-12-2)
Manual backpack sprayers are widely used in rural properties in Brazil. However, studies that assess their working characteristics, especially spray tip models and working pressure conditions, are scarce. Thus, the aim of ...