Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 209
Historical Experience Interrogated: A Conversation
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2017-01-01)
In this interview, Jonathan Menezes asks Frank Ankersmit about various aspects of his theory of historical experience, focusing especially on his main book on the subject, Sublime Historical Experience (2005), but also on ...
O corpo na obra Ideias II de Husserl: esquecimento, sensações, ponto-zero.
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRFilosofiaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2016-08-26)
The present study aims to present the general way in which Husserl understand the meaning of body as body-live from the bias of the sensations as well as the general sense of the body as zero-point (Nullpunkt), positioning ...
The (im)possibilities of an ideal education reform. Discourses, alliances and construction of alternatives of the Rosa Sensat movement in Catalonia
This article analyses the case of Rosa Sensat teachers’ movement in Catalonia during the final years of Francoism and the transition to democracy in Spain (1965–1990). This movement was a key actor in education reform ...
El ritual del vino
The research focuses on identifying the elements that make up the sensations for developing a project, based on two main aspects: Religious architecture in three Gothic-style moments, modern and contemporary times, identifying ...
Open urban spaces quality: A study in a historical square in Bath - UK
The quality of open urban spaces is very important for urban vitality. Nowadays urban designers have to face the great challenge of designing urban spaces able to respond to people's need for liveable spaces. The success ...
Open urban spaces quality: A study in a historical square in Bath - UK
The quality of open urban spaces is very important for urban vitality. Nowadays urban designers have to face the great challenge of designing urban spaces able to respond to people's need for liveable spaces. The success ...
Open urban spaces quality: A study in a historical square in Bath - UK
The quality of open urban spaces is very important for urban vitality. Nowadays urban designers have to face the great challenge of designing urban spaces able to respond to people's need for liveable spaces. The success ...