Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1557
Comparative analysis of three histologic grading methods for squamous cell carcinoma of the lip
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate three histologic grading methods for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lip, the conventional three-grade model proposed by the World Health Organization, tumor budding ...
Histologic Grading Of Prostatic Adenocarcinoma: Intraobserver Reproducibility Of The Mostofi, Gleason And Böcking Grading Systems
(Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991)
Is Reinke's Edema a Precancerous Lesion? Histological and Electron Microscopic Aspects
(Mosby-elsevier, 2009-11-01)
The objectives of this study were to evaluate morphologic alterations and precancerous lesions in Reinke's edema. Patients included were 54 smokers with bilateral Reinke's edema submitted to surgery in the Otolaryngology ...
Is Reinke's Edema a Precancerous Lesion? Histological and Electron Microscopic Aspects
(Mosby-elsevier, 2009-11-01)
The objectives of this study were to evaluate morphologic alterations and precancerous lesions in Reinke's edema. Patients included were 54 smokers with bilateral Reinke's edema submitted to surgery in the Otolaryngology ...
Histologic grading and nucleolar organizer regions in oral squamous cell carcinomas
(Faculdade De Odontologia De Bauru - USP, 2011)
OBJECTIVE: The purposes of this study were to histologically assess different types of oral squamous cell carcinoma and the silver-binding nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR) morphology in neoplastic cells, as well as to ...
Tumor grade heterogeneity in urothelial bladder carcinoma - Proposal of a system using combined numbers
(Taylor & Francis AsOsloNoruega, 2001)
Lymphovascular invasion and histologic grade are associated with specific genomic profiles in invasive carcinomas of the breast
(Springer NetherlandsDordrecht, 2014-11-13)
Lymphovascular invasion (LVI) and histologic grade are clinical parameters of high prognostic value in breast cancer and indicate the level of tumor aggressiveness. Many studies have focused on the association of breast ...