Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2093
Preoperative combined with intraoperative skin-surface warming avoids hypothermia caused by general anesthesia and surgery
Study Objectives: To evaluate the effects of intraoperative skin-surface warming with and without 1 hour of preoperative warming, in preventing intraoperative hypothermia, and postoperative hypothermia, and shivering, and ...
Preoperative combined with intraoperative skin-surface warming avoids hypothermia caused by general anesthesia and surgery
Study Objectives: To evaluate the effects of intraoperative skin-surface warming with and without 1 hour of preoperative warming, in preventing intraoperative hypothermia, and postoperative hypothermia, and shivering, and ...
Experimental procedure for the mechanical evaluation of oxide-carbon refractories by strain measurement
(American Society Testing Materials, 2012-01-01)
Experimental issues regarding the implementation of a methodology for obtaining strain-stress curves at high temperatures and in a controlled atmosphere of oxide-C refractories are presented. These curves give a detailed ...
Evaluation of temperature and osteotomy speed with piezoelectric system
BACKGROUND: Piezosurgery is an option to realize several clinical and surgical procedures, due to its advantages as precision in osteotomy. This study aims to evaluate the heating and osteotomy speed in bone blocks of ox’s ...
Entangling Two Macroscopic Mechanical Resonators at High Temperature
At high temperature, thermal decoherence dominates so that the entanglement of quantum states is difficult to preserve. Realizing high-temperature entanglement is, therefore, a challenge to the current quantum technologies. ...
Automatização do cálculo da elevação de temperatura em perfis de aço em situação de incêndio via métodos simplificados
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção CivilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2016-11-18)
This work presents the development of spreadsheets for the calculation of the temperature evolution in steel profiles under fire using Microsoft Excel and VBA. The temperature calculation in steel profiles is based on the ...
Effect of drying technique on some physical properties of cross-linked high amylose/pectin mixtures
Polymers mixtures as well as cross-linking reactions are approaches that have been used successfully to modulate the polymers characteristics in order to improve the control over drug release rate. High amylose and pectin ...