Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15
On the formation of hidden chaotic attractors and nested invariant tori in the Sprott A system
We consider the well-known Sprott A system, which depends on a single real parameter a and, for a= 1 , was shown to present a hidden chaotic attractor. We study the formation of hidden chaotic attractors as well as the ...
Complex dynamic behaviors in a new Colpitts oscillator topology based on a voltage comparator
Designing simple chaotic circuits with complex dynamic behaviors that can generate coexisting and hidden attractors has attracted much interest recently. In this paper, a new voltage-tunable Colpitts oscillator based on a ...
Zero-Hopf Bifurcations in Three-Dimensional Chaotic Systems with One Stable Equilibrium
In [Molaie et al., 2013] the authors provided the expressions of 23 quadratic differential systems in R3 with the unusual feature of having chaotic dynamics coexisting with one stable equilibrium point. In this paper, we ...
Unexpected Behaviors in a Single Mesh Josephson Junction Based Self-Reproducing Autonomous System
In the literature, existing Josephson junction based oscillators are mostly driven by external sources. Knowing the different limits of the external driven systems, we propose in this work a new autonomous one that exhibits ...
A chemical representation of a chaotic system with a unique stable equilibrium point
(International Federation of Automatic Control, 2019)
Stability analysis for the Chua circuit with cubic polynomial nonlinearity based on root locus technique and describing function method
This work investigates the dynamics of the Chua circuit with cubic polynomial nonlinearity using methods for stability analysis based on linearization and frequency response. Root locus technique maps eigenvalues of the ...
Integrabilidade e dinâmica global de sistema diferenciais polinomiais definidos em R³ com superfícies algébricas invariantes de graus 1 e 2
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2017-07-05)
Neste trabalho, consideramos aspectos algébricos e dinâmicos de alguns problemas envolvendo superfícies algébricas invariantes em sistemas diferenciais polinomiais definidos em R³. Determinamos o número máximo de planos ...
Decision-making neural circuits mediating social behaviors: an attractor network model
(Springer, 2017-06-29)
We propose a mathematical model of a continuous attractor network that controls social behaviors. The model is examined with bifurcation analysis and computer simulations. The results show that the model exhibits stable ...
Aplicação de teoria de sistema dinâmicos para inferência de causalidade entre séries temporais sintéticas e biológicas.
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2018-04-03)
A modelagem matemática é uma ferramenta presente nos campos da ecologia teórica e da biologia ma- temática. Porém tais modelos que tentam reproduzir parte da dinâmica natural são limitados, o que rapidamente esgota as ...
Synchronization of chaotic oscillators optimized by applying evolutionary algorithms
(Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, 2015)