Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 352
Violence towards men in the heterosexual couple: A reviewLa violencia hacia los hombres en la pareja heterosexual: una revisión de revisiones
(Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), 2019)
Attributions about the partner: their role as mediator between attachment and marital satisfaction in heterosexual couplesAtribuciones sobre la pareja: Su papel como variable mediadora entre el apego y la satisfacción marital en parejas heterosexuales
(Universidad del Rosario, 2011)
This research evaluated the mediator role of attribu- tions about negative events in the relation between adult attachment dimensions and marital satisfac- tion in heterosexual cohabiting or legally married couples (n = ...
Participación laboral y brecha salarial: un estudio comparativo entre la población LGBTI y la población heterosexual de Ecuador
This investigation arises from the Survey on the Living Conditions of the LGBTI Population of Ecuador, where, in accordance with the results of the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos, at least 40% of the surveyed ...
Limited evidence of HCV transmission in stable heterosexual couples from Bahia, Brazil
HCV infected patients frequently ask their physician about the risk of transmission to their partners. Although it is easy to answer that the risk does exist, it is difficult to quantify. We studied the transmission of HCV ...