Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23
Comparative analysis of the leaf anatomy in two Parodiolyra species (Poaceae: Olyreae) occurring on forests in Eastern Brazil
(Braz. J. Biol., 2012)
Parodiolyra is a member of Olyreae, a tribe of herbaceous bamboo species within the Poaceae. The genus has five species, four of which were previously regarded as belonging to Olyra L. Parodiolyra has a Neotropical ...
Some lectotypifications in the tribe Olyreae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
(Brasil, 2010)
Lectotypes are designated for seven names included in different genera of the tribe Olyreae. In addition, the currently accepted names are provided for the taxa to which each type belongs.
Aspectos sobre la distribución y la ecología de los bambúes de colombia (poaceae: bambusoideae)
(Caldasia, 1990)
Este estudio es un análisis de la distribución geográfica y altitudinal de los bambúes nativos de Colombia, discutiendo separadamente las dos supertribus de la subfamilia Bambusoideae: Olyrodae (bambues herbáceos) y ...
A utilidade da anatomia da lâmina foliar para a identificação e systemática de espécies de Bambuboideae (Poaceae, Poales)
Bambusoideae is a diverse subfamily that includes herbaceous (Olyreae) and woody (Arundinarieae and Bambuseae) bamboos. Species within Bambusae are particularly difficult to identify due to their monocarpic lifecycle and ...
Bamboos and lianas affect tree regeneration and microclimate in a semi-deciduous Atlantic forest
(Elsevier Science, 2007-12)
We assessed the effect of native bamboo and lianas on microclimate, tree regeneration and forest structure in a semi-deciduous Atlantic Forest subjected to selective timber extraction during the last century. We hypothetized ...
Multiple Ornamental Uses of Costus stenophyllus Standl. & LO Williams
(Int Soc Horticultural Science, 2013-01-01)
Costus stenophyllus or bamboo costus, despite its high ornamental potential, is still little known in the cut flower and ornamental plant market. The bamboo costus is a spiral ginger admired for its beautiful stems that ...