Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 105
Host-mediated volatile polymorphism in a parasitic plant influences its attractiveness to pollinators
(Springer, 2010)
Host-plants can mediate the interactions
between herbivores and their mutualists and also between
parasitic plants and their mutualists. The present study
reveals how a hemiparasitic plant parasitizing three host
species ...
Translocation of isoquinoline alkaloids to the hemiparasite, tristerix verticillatus from its host, berberis montana
Using dendrochronology to trace the impact of the hemiparasite Tristerix chodatianus on Andean Polylepis trees
(Universidad Continental, 2019-08-03)
The high Andean forests of the genus Polylepis (Rosaceae) are threatened by extinction due to anthropogenic effects such as timber extraction, burning, and overgrazing. Some species are also affected by Tristerix chodatianus ...
Leaf morphophysiology of a Neotropical mistletoe is shaped by seasonal patterns of host leaf phenology
Several mistletoe species are able to grow and reproduce on both deciduous and evergreen hosts, suggesting a degree of plasticity in their ability to cope with differences in intrinsic host functions. The aim of this study ...
Shifting from acquisitive to conservative: the effects of Phoradendron affine (Santalaceae) infection in leaf morpho-physiological traits of a Neotropical tree species
(Csiro Publishing, 2017-01-01)
Mistletoes are parasitic plants that penetrate the host branches through a modified root and connect to their xylem to acquire nutrients and water. Under mistletoe infection, resources that would otherwise be used by the ...