Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 10585
How and When Perpetrators Reflect on and Respond to Their Workplace Ostracism Behavior: A Moral Cleansing Lens
(Dove Medical Press Ltd, 2024)
From aesthetics to ethics: Testing the link between an emotional experience of awe and the motive of quixoteism on (un)ethical behavior
According to the awe-quixoteism hypothesis, one experience of awe may lead to the engagement in challenging actions aimed at increasing the welfare of the world. However, what if the action involves damaging one individual? ...
Prosocial behavior in ratsConducta pro-social en ratas
(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2017)
You have my help but not my care: The effect of social class and empathy on different types of intergroup prosociality
We focus on the relation between prosocial behaviour and social class by including
three relevant aspects: the social class of the recipient of help, the level of empathy, and
the type of prosocial behavior, namely helping ...
Technology-Based Monitoring and Intervention Delivery: Expanding Behavior-Analytic Treatment to Health Behavior
(Sociedad Mexicana de Análisis de la Conducta / Mexican Society of Behavior Analysis, 2017)
Necessidades, busca e uso da informação: estudo de caso em um setor de help desk de indústria cimenteira multinacional
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2008-12-03)
This academic research examined a help desk environment of a branch of the cement business, a world leader in its industry, identifying needs, information seeking behavior and the uses of information by the help desk ...
Helping Behavior and Joint Action in Young Children
(Firenze Upress, 2015-09)
An important idea due to Tomasello and others is that the human capacity as the human capacity for social cooperation is at the heart of the species’ capacity to understand others’ mental states and behavior. Furthermore, ...
Professional training for intervention in aberrant behavior: Development of teaching materials and social validationCapacitação de profissionais para intervenção em comportamentos aberrantes: Elaboração de material didático e validação social
People with severe intellectual disabilities are usually overlooked in what concerns specific care services despite the policies of school and social inclusion aimed at them. These individuals may present aberrant behaviors, ...