Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 125
Isolation and characterization of halophilic archaea able to grow in aromatic compounds
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2006)
Use of a mixed culture strategy to isolate halophilic bacteria with antibacterial and cytotoxic activity from the Manaure solar saltern in Colombia
(BMC Microbiology, 2017-12-08)
Water evaporation in solar salterns creates salinity gradients that promote the adaptation of microbial species to different salinities. This competitive habitat challenges the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms and ...
Halophilic bacteria with potential for the recovery of salinated soils in Sáchica-Boyacá, Colombia
Halophilic bacteria with potential for the recovery of salinated soils in Sáchica-Boyacá, Colombia. It is possible to use halophilic bacteria isolated from saline environments as a possible alternative for the rehabilitation ...
Phenol degradation by halophilic bacteria isolated from hypersaline environments
(SpringerNew YorkEUA, 2013)
Bacterial contribution to salted anchovy (Engraulis anchoita Hubbs & Marinni, 1935) ripening process
(Haworth Press Inc, 2013-01-31)
The bacterial populations of the salted anchovy ripening process and its potential role on the development of the typical sensory characteristics of this product were studied. Salted anchovy samples were taken during the ...
Synthesis of salt-stable fluorescent nanoparticles (quantum dots) by polyextremophile halophilic bacteria
Here we report the biological synthesis of CdS fluorescent nanoparticles (Quantum Dots, QDs) by polyextremophile halophilic bacteria isolated from Atacama Salt Flat (Chile), Uyuni Salt Flat (Bolivia) and the Dead Sea ...