Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 161
Blood transfusion in patients with immunohaematological problem
(Opast Publishing Group, 2018)
Abstract: The blood transfusion therapy is an essential in the management of hematologic/ oncologic disorders. Although transfusions are not risk free. In fact, this patient may develop alloimmune or autoimmune process ...
Seroconversion in response to a reinforced primary hepatitis B vaccination in children with cancer Seroconversión frente a primovacunación reforzada contra hepatitis B en ninos con cáncer
(Sociedad Chilena de Pediatria, 2015)
© 2015 Sociedad Chilena de Pediatría.Introduction: Immune response against vaccine antigens may be impaired in children with cancer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seroconversion response against hepatitis B ...
Impact of antibiotic resistance on outcomes of neutropenic cancer patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteraemia (IRONIC study): study protocol of a retrospective multicentre international study
(BMJ, 2019-05)
Introduction: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) has historically been one of the major causes of severe sepsis and death among neutropenic cancer patients. There has been a recent increase of multidrug-resistant PA (MDRPA) ...
Toxicidade em pacientes com câncer no trato gastrointestinal durante a quimioterapia: associações com Sarcopenia e Caquexia
Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment of great relevance for cancer patients;
however, it can lead to a series of adverse events, called toxicities. In the
evaluation of nutritional status, sarcopenia and cachexia have ...
A possible anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic effect of irradiated riboflavin in solid tumours
(Elsevier Ireland LtdClareIrlanda, 2007)