Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 6629
Evolución y situación actual del hábitat informal en la ciudad
(Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, 2018)
Este capítulotiene como objetivo realizar un recorrido histórico por la evolución reciente de los asentamientos informales como modalidad de hábitat popular en San Carlos de Bariloche y las principales políticas e ...
Distribution and habitat preferences of Galápagos ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2020-05)
We present the first comprehensive review of the ant taxa of the Galápagos archipelago. The review is based on data gathered during literature searches, field surveys, and the revision ofmuseum specimens, and includes ...
Remote sensing variables as predictors of habitat suitability of the vizcacha rat (Octomys mimax), a rock-dwelling mammal living in a desert environment
(Springer, 2015-04)
Identifying high-quality habitats across large areas is a central goal in biodiversity conservation. Remotely sensed data provide the opportunity to study different habitat characteristics (e.g., landscape topography, soil, ...
El sector hábitat en Bogotá y su aporte al mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida en la ciudad
(Universidad del RosarioMaestría en Derecho AdministrativoFacultad de Jurisprudencia, 2017)
Analyze the circumstances that led to the creation of the Habitat Sector in Bogotá as a mechanism to improve the living conditions of Bogotá. Describe the antecedents that led to the formalization of the Habitat Sector in ...
Habitat Agenda and Instanbul Declaration - Second United Nations Confernce on Human Settlements Istanbul, Turkey 3 -14 June.
(UN Department of Public Information., 2011-09-06)
Bird responses to forest loss are influence by habitat specialization
(Diversity and Distributions. Wiley Online Library, 2017-05-16)
Due to intrinsic differences in the sensitivity to habitat grain among species, studies performed at different extent are necessary to understand the consequences of forest loss and fragmentation. Using a large database, ...