Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 734
"Soy feminista pero...": afectos, humor e identificación en The Guilty Feminist"I am a feminist but...": affects, humor and identification in The Guilty Feminist
(Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, 2021-03-31)
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los afectos que circulan en el podcast cómico e Guilty Feminist, con el fin de determinar cuál es la clase de “nosotras-feministas” que se gesta en el encuentro entre el chiste de ...
The Other One as the Guilty One: the Noir Literature of Elizabeth Subercaseux
The following article reviews the production of the Chilean writer Elizabeth Subercaseux focusing exclusively on her police novels that have a classic estructure and those that are constructed with the classic estructre ...
Victims Are Not Guilty! Spiritual Abuse and Ecclesiastical Responsibility
(MDPI, 2022)
The aim of this article is to show that victims of spiritual abuse are not guilty of what they have undergone and that, in the Catholic setting, the Church has an institutional responsibility for it. With this objective, ...
Calificación del concurso de acreedores y responsabilidad de los administradores
Muchas empresas se ven abocadas a la solicitud de declaración de concurso de acreedores tras la imposibilidad de cumplir puntual y regularmente sus obligaciones exigibles. Si bien el concurso de acreedores es el cauce ...
Defending the Guilty: a moral justification
(Peeters Publishers, 2013-06)
There are certain acts necessary to exercise the legal profession within an adversary system that are usually morally condemned by public opinion. If the lawyer knows that his or her client is guilty and is aware, therefore, ...