Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3692
Engineering a defined culture medium to grow Piscirickettsia salmonis for its use in vaccine formulations
(Springer, 2020)
Piscirickettsia salmonis is a facultative Gram-negative intracellular bacterium that produces piscirickettsiosis, disease that causes a high negative impact in salmonid cultures. The so-far-unidentified nutritional ...
Practical application of electrochemical nitrate sensor under laboratory and forest nursery conditions
The reduction of nitrate leaching to ensure greater protection of groundwater quality has become a global issue. The development of new technologies for more accurate dosing of nitrates helps optimize fertilization programs. ...
Growing neural gas as a memory mechanism of a heuristic to solve a community detection problem in networks
(Funpec-Editora, 2016)
Iterative heuristics are commonly used to address combinatorial optimization problems. However, to meet both robustness and efficiency with these methods when their iterations are independent, it is necessary to consider ...
Dos frecuencias de riego en Salvia farinacea, Osteospermum ecklonis y Asparagus setaceus en cuatro diferentes sustratos para jardines verticales
(Universidad Nacional Agraria La MolinaPE, 2016)
El presente trabajo, tiene por objetivo probar 4 sustratos para jardines verticales, Mezclas de Turba (Distichia muscoide) en combinación con diferentes proporciones de perlita, piedra pómez y vermiculita y finalmente un ...
Growth of Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum in Different Peats and Change of Peat Properties during Cultivation
(Int Soc Horticultural Science, 2009-01-01)
Marketable chrysanthemums were produced in several different peat types. Only the plants in one of the dredged frozen black peats and one of the milled white peats had a significant lower shoot dry weight than those in one ...
Zinc supports transcription and improves meiotic competence of growing bovine oocytes
In the last years, many studies focused on the understanding of the possible role of zinc in the control of mammalian oogenesis, mainly on oocyte maturation and fertilization. However, little is known about the role of ...
The Cultivation Of Arabidopsis For Experimental Research Using Commercially Available Peat-based And Peat-free Growing Media
(Public Library of Science, 2016)
The Cultivation Of Arabidopsis For Experimental Research Using Commercially Available Peat-based And Peat-free Growing Media
(Public Library of Science, 2016)