Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 250
A note on the Cornaz-Jost transformation to solve the graph coloring problem
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2013-06-04)
In this note, we use a reduction by Cornaz and Jost from the graph (max-)coloring problem to the maximum (weighted) stable set problem in order to characterize new graph classes where the graph coloring problem and the ...
Bounded coloring of co-comparability graphs and the pickup and delivery tour combination problem
(Elsevier, 2011-11)
The Double Traveling Salesman Problem with Multiple Stacks is a vehicle routing problem in which pickups and deliveries must be performed in two independent networks. The items are stored in stacks and repacking is not ...
On coloring problems with local constraints
(Elsevier, 2012-04)
We deal with some generalizations of the graph coloring problem on classes of perfect graphs. Namely we consider the μ-coloring problem (upper bounds for the color on each vertex), the precoloring extension problem (a ...
Between coloring and list-coloring: μ-coloring
(Charles Babbage Res Ctr, 2011-05)
A new variation of the coloring problem, mu-coloring, is defined in this paper. A coloring of a graph G = (V,E) is a function f: V -> N such that f(v) is different from f(w) if v is adjacent to w. Given a graph G = (V,E) ...
On the Minimum Sum Coloring of P4-sparse graphs
(Springer Tokyo, 2014-03)
In this paper, we study the Minimum Sum Coloring (MSC) problem on P4-sparse graphs. In the MSC problem, we aim to assign natural numbers to vertices of a graph such that adjacent vertices get different numbers, and the sum ...
Clique coloring B1-EPG graphs
(Elsevier, 2017)
We consider the problem of clique coloring, that is, coloring the vertices of a given graph such that no (maximal) clique of size at least two is monocolored. It is known that interval graphs are 2-clique colorable. In ...
Caracterização e coloração de arestas em grafos split-co-comparabilidade
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de InformáticaCiência da ComputaçãoUTFPR, 2018-06-13)
A characterization of a graph class is the determination of structural properties that uniquely identify the graphs in this class. Those characterizations can give important information that supports many combinatorial ...
Exact Algorithms for the Graph Coloring Problem
(Instituto de Informática - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018)
Minimum sum set coloring of trees and line graphs of trees
(Elsevier, 2011-01)
In this paper, we study the minimum sum set coloring (MSSC) problem which consists in assigning a set of x(v) positive integers to each vertex v of a graph so that the intersection of sets assigned to adjacent vertices is ...
On the (k, i)-coloring of cacti and complete graphs
(Charles Babbage Institute, 2018)
In the (k, i)-coloring problem, we aim to assign sets of colors of size k to the vertices of a graph G, so that the sets which belong to adjacent vertices of G intersect in no more than i elements and the total number of ...