Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18836
Oferta y demanda
The difference between supply and demand is that demand is the quality of goods or services that a supplier provides to the market. On the other hand demand is the quantity. Of goods and services that people and companies ...
The development of services in the Caribbean
(ECLAC, 2003-01-17)
The services sector has grown significantly in most countries and in the world economy as a whole. This has been observed in the progression from primary to secondary and/or tertiary sector-led economic growth and ...
Macroprocess 12 Management of Contracting and Services
(Carlos Figueroa Picado, 2022-11-23)
A Process manual. It contains the flowcharts of the activities, sub processes and processes that make up Macroprocess 12 Management of Contracting and Services.
Privatization and the arrangement of city services
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 1996-08)
Contemporary research on service delivery has been preoccupied with the issue of privatization. Specifically, the concern has been with whether a governmental or non governmental entity is more effective and efficient in ...
Service industries and service economy
The study analyses the role of services in modern and less-developed economies. It shows the different meanings of the value, definition and classification of service activities found in economic literature. It discusses ...
Herramientas metodológicas para el análisis enfocado de escenarios
(CNAP Centro Nacional de Areas Protegidas, Cuba, 2018)
Evaluar económicamente las implicaciones ambientales de escenarios de uso de BSE en sitios y sectores seleccionados con vistas a introducir prácticas sostenibles en sitios de intervención y a contribuir a la toma de ...
Mexico: industrial policies and the production of information and communication technology goods and services
This study investigates the extent to which the digital boom has had repercussions on productive activity, in terms of both manufacturing (ict goods) and services (ict services), in addition to its potential ramifications ...