Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
A goal-oriented hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin approach for biharmonic problems
(Wiley-blackwellHobokenEUA, 2014)
Goal-oriented error estimation for transient parabolic problems.
(SABER ULA, 2006)
Estimadores de erro a posteriori para o Método dos Elementos Finitos Generalizados (MEFG) aplicados à análise de estruturas de concreto
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2016-05-20)
This work provides a brief description of the main potentialities of the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM), which make it a robust tool for solving a wide range of numerical problems. Next, it is introduced the ...
Pipeline Registers Vulnerability Framework Oriented on Instruction Set Architecture Reliability Analysis
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2013-12-01)
Technology Scaling continues evolving in smaller transistor feature sizes and more dense integrated circuits. The goal is to achieve improvements on speed, power consumption, and cost. However, as supply voltage decreases ...
PID control and estimation of the attitude model applied to geostationary satellites
(American Institute of PhysicsPE, 2023-04-04)
The estimation of Systems is based on the analysis of data obtained after experimenting about the behavior of a real process in response to an external disturbance in order to find a scheme that allows the mathematical ...
Estimación de la Defoliación del Dosel en la Palma de Aceite
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y AgropecuariasBucaramanga, ColombiaMaestría en Estadística Aplicada, 2021-04-28)
Existen limitantes bióticas (plagas y enfermedades) que afectan el dosel de la palma generando reducciones del rendimiento de hasta el 50%. En 2007, asistentes técnicos de Puerto Wilches, preocupados por el ataque de ...
Edge and corner identification for tracking the line of sight
(Fondo Editorial EAFIT, 2005)
This article presents an edge-corner detector, implemented in the realm of the GEIST project (an Computer Aided Touristic Information System) to extract the information of straight edges and their intersections (image ...
A computational solution for the software refactoring problem: a formalism toward an optimization approach
Software Refactoring consists in reconstructing the code design of an object-oriented system without affecting the external functionality. Common refactoring tasks, in the initial steps, detect the source code ...
A computational solution for the software refactoring problem: from a formalism toward an optimization approach
Abstract: Software Refactoring consists in reconstructing the code design of an object- oriented system without affecting the external functionality. Common refactoring tasks, in the initial steps, detect the ...
Planeacion geostadistica de un depósito de carbón – Mina Cerrejón-
La planeación minera del carbón en el cerrejón se ha desarrollado empleando métodos de estimación tradicional como el inverso de la distancia para la estimación de recursos y de variables de calidad. Este tipo de método ...