Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19
Glyphosate-Resistant and Conventional Canola (Brassica napus L.) Responses to Glyphosate and Aminomethylphosphonic Acid (AMPA) Treatment
Glyphosate-resistant (GR) canola contains two transgenes that impart resistance to the herbicide glyphosate: (1) the microbial glyphosate oxidase gene (gox) encoding the glyphosate oxidase enzyme (GOX) that metabolizes ...
Glyphosate Biodegradation Potential in Soil Based on Glycine Oxidase Gene (thiO) from Bradyrhizobium
(Springer, 2021-04-02)
Despite the intensive use of glyphosate (GP) and its ubiquitous presence in the environment, studies addressing the presence of microbial genes involved in glyphosate degradation in natural conditions are scarce. Based on ...
Glyphosate Biodegradation Potential in Soil Based on Glycine Oxidase Gene (thiO) from Bradyrhizobium
(Springer Nature, 2021-04-02)
Despite the intensive use of glyphosate (GP) and its ubiquitous presence in the environment, studies addressing the presence of microbial genes involved in glyphosate degradation in natural conditions are scarce. Based on ...
Diclosulam e sulfentrazone no manejo das plantas infestantes na cultura da soja resistente ao glifosato e efeito da palha e precipitação sobre estes herbicidas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Agricultura e Ambiente - PPGAA-Ar, 2014-03-21)
The Roundup Ready (RR) soybean facilitated weed management by allowing the use of glyphosate in all stages of crop development. But the continuous use of this herbicide can select resistant weed biotypes and tolerant ...
Multiple resistance evolution in Bipyridylium- resistant Epilobium ciliatum after recurrent selection
(Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019)
The impact of adding Lysinibacillus sphaericus to potato soils sprayed with glyphosate in the savannah of Bogotá.
(Universidad de los AndesMicrobiologíaFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de Ciencias Biológicas, 2021)
El uso de herbicidas a base de glifosato (GBH) ha aumentado drásticamente durante la última década. Esto es especialmente cierto para los cultivos de papa debido a su rápido ciclo de cosecha y la alta demanda del mercado. ...
Growth Regulation and Other Secondary Effects of Herbicides
(Weed Sci Soc Amer, 2010-07-01)
As all herbicides act on pathways or processes crucial to plants, in an inhibitory or stimulatory way, low doses of any herbicide might be used to beneficially modulate plant growth, development, or composition. Glyphosate, ...
Growth Regulation and Other Secondary Effects of Herbicides
(Weed Sci Soc Amer, 2010-07-01)
As all herbicides act on pathways or processes crucial to plants, in an inhibitory or stimulatory way, low doses of any herbicide might be used to beneficially modulate plant growth, development, or composition. Glyphosate, ...
Multiple-Herbicide resistance in a 2,4-D–Resistant waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) population from Nebraska
(Cambridge University Press; Weed Science Society of America, 2017-11)
A 2,4-D-resistant tall waterhemp population (FS) from Nebraska was evaluated for resistance to other TIR1 auxin receptor herbicides and to herbicides having alternative mechanisms of action using greenhouse bioassays and ...